He’s Practicing Social Distancing

As I started back to the house after letting the sheep out, I suddenly heard loud tarp-flapping noises. This was startling, because there was no wind to speak of that could have caused the tarps to flap. I turned, and saw that Clover had decided for some reason he really needed to be on top of the hoop house.
Why do they always get up to funny shenanigans when I only have my phone? Pardon the cell phone pictures, I think they’re funny anyway.

“Mom! Clover’s on the roof!”

The others all knew he wasn’t supposed to be up there. They weren’t sure if they should be looking at me or him.

“I’m King of the Hill!”

Duchess and Daisy, off to the right, were concerned about their son and brother being up on the roof. Or possibly they were debating the merits of jumping up there with him.

Clover was highly pleased with himself, until he realized that there was no food on top of the hoop house and he would have to find a way to get down. Getting down is much scarier than getting up.

“Whoa, it looks awfully high on this side! And the roof is getting all wobbly under me!”

“It’s even higher here in the middle! Uh oh!”

“Maybe I can jump off this side?”

“Hey Daisy, get out of the way! I’m coming down!”


Daisy bolted a few steps to get out of her brother’s way, which was very startling and caused everyone, including the intrepid explorer Clover, to run away in a panic. I very firmly called after them to stay off of the roof, but I don’t think they were listening.

Now we will have to put something up to stop them from being able to jump up there, because otherwise it will surely be the newest Splendid Game, and almost all the others are a good deal heavier than Clover. I don’t want anyone getting stuck because their legs punched right through the tarps. I’d also rather not have holes punched through the tarp at all, actually.

The boys have been having a lot of very enthusiastic games of King of the Hill on the dirt pile behind the barns recently, mostly at bedtime when I’m trying to get them to come in the barn. Duke always wins, of course. I’ll have to try to get pictures of Duke knocking everyone else off the “hill” like bowling pins next time it happens.

3 thoughts on “He’s Practicing Social Distancing

  1. Dear Sarah,
    Your post title was inspired; I giggled. Silly Clover, like a kitten up a tree; excited until he looks down, and panicking everyone as he climbed off: I can just hear the galloping hoofbeats and the hmmphing noises as the flock peels away.

    I don’t know how you’re going to keep them off the roof unless you tie chicken wire in panels, supported by posts up against the hoop house, tall enough to create a sort of fenceline above the curve of the roof. Gracious.

    Sure would like to see Duke at the top of his mountain, scattering his mini-mes left and right, his horns and ruff all magnificent in the evening sun rays. I bet he feels grand when he’s able to stand tall and singular on top of his heap :}

    Very best,

    Natalie, in town where there are lots of birds just yards away, a puppy next door, and a neighbor cat who tried to wander into our house, but alas, not a single sheep,


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