
We put new latches on the gates hoping it would be faster and easier to open when things get cold and icy, but apparently they were faster and easier for sheep to open as well, because the boys got in with the girls this morning.

I was alerted to the problem by Watcher, who lives up to his name in every way. Granted he does tend to alert me every time someone stands up or sits down or walks or doesn’t walk, but there’s a different timbre to his barking when something’s actually wrong. Sure enough, those rowdy boys were running all over the girls’ field terrorizing everyone.

I didn’t take my camera with me because it’s difficult to wrangle a large camera while chasing sheep, but it turned out to be an unneeded precaution. The boys were perfectly happy to chase Liam and Neo all over the place, but the minute I got out there and asked them very sternly what on earth they thought they were doing they beat a swift retreat back to their own field. Being chased is apparently not as fun as chasing someone else. Sheep may be mischievous, but they’re not stupid. They know when they’re not where they’re supposed to be, and they know as soon as they go back where they belong I’ll stop pestering them.

“We were invaded! We’re traumatized now!”

All of the girls’ flock huddled together behind their two queens. Well, Lady is more of a matriarch and Angel is more of an indomitable force of nature, but the other sheep and I agree that it’s easier to tell them they’re both pretty and let them both be queen. Nova abandoned the huddle in favor of commiserating with her lifelong best friend, Watcher, about how unacceptable the whole thing was.

“I’m so sad and pitiful,” they all say, “locked out in this great big field all alone except for all ten of my pasturemates…”

So sad. I’ve told them it’s their own fault, but they don’t listen. I thought once everyone was wethered I wouldn’t have to maintain two separate flocks anymore, but the big boys can’t play nice and are much too rough on the smaller and/or gentler sheep. So now I have to keep two flocks entirely due to personality conflicts.

“We need crunchies to help us get over our trauma!”

Even once everything was straightened out all the mama sheep kept their babies tucked protectively behind them. Clover was off camera to the right, but Daisy is right on Duchess’ flank where she should be. Poor Lady really is a matriarch in the truest sense and has too many babies to try to hide them all behind her tiny little self. Danny is immediately behind her, with Neo off to the side by the Shetlands and Holly behind Danny. Her granddaughter Marigold is the most protected of all, a barely visible dark outline behind Holly. She has a mother and a grandmother to look out for her, lucky girl.

I tried to move to the side to get Clover and Marigold’s face in the frame, but that was just too much for their shattered nerves and they all ran off. Except for the Shetlands and Neo the honorary Shetland, who decided they’d already done enough running for one day, thankyouverymuch. Maybe enough for a whole week.

“We’re not moving another step unless ShepherdPerson pulls out the shears.”

Once the adrenaline wore off everyone crashed and decided they needed to take an early nap. I’ve looked out the windows a few times to check on them since I got back to the house and everyone is still asleep, boys included. Causing trouble is an exhausting job, I suppose.

I’m not sure how they managed to open the new latches, but we better figure it out quickly or the girls may decide to pack their bags and move into the house where it’s safe.

8 thoughts on “Shenanigans

  1. They are as mischievous as my cats! We had to put child locks on the kitchen cabinets to keep them out. If you figure out how to keep the sheep out, don’t be surprised if they do some more calculating ~
    They are looking quite good!

    • I always say they’re extremely clever, they’re just not always very sensible. They can always figure out how to do something, but they can’t always tell if it’s a good idea to do it, haha.

  2. Oh, what a hoot! The Shetlands stayed put? Why, they’ve more fluff to carry around! Which apparently they want to keep and not just because winter is coming. The twins here feel similarly about haircuts: doesn’t matter the hair is hot and impedes eyesight; shears are Scary.

    I wonder who figured out the latch? Any guesses? I’d say Mira or Angel, but they wouldn’t fiddle with it if they knew what would happen, or would they? I can’t think which boy it would be.



    • My thinking is that it was one of the girls, perhaps on accident while playing with the Shiny New Thing that the humans were looking at, that figured it out. They always are eager to inspect anything that they see us working on, and I can’t picture how the boys would have opened it from their side. It’s also possible the boys managed to jostle the gate just right to pop the latch out of place, I’m not sure. If I installed security cameras the footage would probably look like Shaun the Sheep. 🙂

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